Jazz on the Odra Festival defends the title of the best festival in the Jazz Forum readers’ survey

The Jazz on the Odra Festival once again managed to defend the title of the best festival in the 2018 edition of JAZZ TOP, the annual Jazz Forum reader survey. 

“For the sixth time in a row, the readers picked the Jazz on the Odra Festival as the best festival. We managed to beat the 20-year-old Bielska Zadymka Jazzowa Festival with a few votes. Zadymka is a friendly festival, and its creators always emphasise that they drew inspiration from Jazz on the Odra. Jerzy Batycki and Andrzej Herman used to study in Wrocław years ago and carefully observed everything we’ve done. We want to congratulate the Bielsko-Biała festival!” – said Wojtek Siwek from the Artistic Council of the Jazz on the Odra Festival.

In the same survey, the artistic director of Jazz on the Odra Leszek Możdżer was recognised as the musician of the year!

Best festival – top 10

169 Jazz nad Odrą (Wrocław)
160 LOTOS Jazz Festival – Bielska
Zadymka Jazzowa (Bielsko
112 Summer Jazz Festival Kraków
95 Jazztopad (Wrocław)
92 Jazz Jantar (Gdańsk)
90 Jazz Jamboree (Warszawa)
88 Jazzowa Jesień w Bielsku-Białej
85 Warsaw Summer Jazz Days
82 Jazz na Starówce (Warszawa)
79 Międzynarodowy Festiwal
Pianistów Jazzowych (Kalisz)